Sample Letter Format to ask for Refund or Debit Note

Many a times it so happens that our online transactions fail because of various reasons or we have returned certain goods for which we are entitled for a refund or debit note. In such a scenario, you can just follow a Debit note Letter Format to create your request. The Debit note Letter format for […]
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Incorrect Tax Levied on Former Business Letter Format

If you have received letter from income department concerning your former business then you must write the letter to the department explaining the situation in a formal manner. The income tax levied on former business letter must be written by including all the important details. This post includes a format for income tax levied on […]
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Sample Letter for Responding to a Request for a Financial Assistance

If you receive a request for financial assistance from a company then you must always respond to that request in a formal manner. A financial assistance letter must always be responded by writing a letter and one such letter is simple enough as it must include the reasons for your decision. Here is the sample […]
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Sample Follow-up Letter to Potential Fundraiser Head

If you have spoken or discussed with an organization or a person who could be a potential fundraiser about a fundraising activity then you in order to have the follow up of the same, you can always write a letter to them. The follow up letter example or format addressed to the fundraiser is going […]
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Letter Format to Reject a Request for Monetary Donation

When someone asks for a monetary donation then one must always reply to that request and if by any chance you are planning to reject that request then writing a formal Donation Request Rejection Letter is highly recommended. In order to reject a request letter for monetary donation, you need to frame a simple letter […]
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