Letter Formats

Letter for Agreement to Compromise Debt Sample Template

The purpose of an agreement to compromise debt is to have a contract signed between the debtor and creditor for…

2 years ago

Condonation Delay Letter Format to Principal Commissioner of Income-tax

Condonation of delay is applied in case of any delay in filing the income tax return in India. If you…

2 years ago

Request Letter Format for Tax Exemption from Sales

There are various situations under which tax exemption from sales can be requested by writing a letter. The letter for…

2 years ago

Request Letter Format to Forest Officer for Plants

Plants are essential for survival and therefore, we must always plant as many plants as possible. If you are also…

3 years ago

Request Letter Format for Release of Pending Payments

Pending payments and dues are a common problem in most of the businesses and in order to have the accounts…

3 years ago

Request Letter for Duplicate Bill and Invoice Format

There are so many situations in which the need for duplicate bill arises. It can with a showroom or with…

3 years ago

Request Letter Format for Release of Retention Money

Sometimes for some projects, a certain amount of money is retained and it is only released once the project is…

3 years ago

Apology Letter for Accounting Errors and Past Due Notice Template

It just so happens that despite a client has made a timely payment, the computerized system or due to human…

3 years ago

Apology Letter by Employee to Accounts Department – Sample Format

Sometimes it happens that end up making mistakes and if there is a mistake that has happened at work and…

3 years ago

Budget Modification Request Letter Sample Format, Example

Once the budget has been decided for a project, in order to make any change to the budget, you need…

3 years ago